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Williamson Fire Company #1 Craft show

Yesterday, I was happy and excited to take part in the very first ever Williamson Fire Company #1 craft sale. Volunteer Firefighters are essential a your community. I would hate to be in a community that was not lucky enough to have them. They work so hard to help others, it was time to do what I could to help them. Between the fee I paid to be at the show and the donation I made for their raffle, every little bit helps. I hope that they made a good amount of money from this sale and hope that it worked well for them and that they do many more. I also hope they enjoyed the day as much as I did.

As you can see, we were set up right there in one of the bays that houses the trucks. It was a little bit garage smelling and a little bit loud in the room, but it was undoubtedly the best craft show I have done so far. I am not just saying that because the great folks in Williamson showed up and spent some money with me. I am saying it because it was a great experience with a great group of people. A number of volunteer Firefighters gave up their day to help make this event a success. Just like they give up days, nights and weekends regularly to help keep us all safe.

I had many conversations with people from the community I live in and with some great crafters!

I hope to be able to attend many more of their functions as a crafter.

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